Recent reading

Discussing college students, Meredith Farkas asks ‘what do they really need?‘ She discusses innovations such as screencasting and federated searching, noting that they may seem like good ideas, but might not be ideal for her particular library’s population – we need to ask patrons, not just how satisfied they are with current services, but what their ideal library would look like, or how we could support their research.

28 Alternatives to Delicious – Phil Bradley, in response to stories that Yahoo! was shutting Delicious down. It now appears that the service will be sold, not closed.

Thoughts of a Wannabe Librarian points out that Overdrive now has a smartphone app. This inspired me to take a quick look at the ebook offerings available in London. They are…not great, to be honest. 105 science fiction books, of which there’s a lot of Asimov, a bit of Vonnegut, one Ballard, and the Lord of the Rings. A few other interesting titles, but a lot of Star Wars novelisations too. The idea’s great, we just need the books (because let’s face it, isn’t hard to obtain ebooks for free, if we want to).

3 Geeks and a Law Blog discuss the end of corporate IT: part 1 and part 2.

NZ comic writer Dylan Horrocks has an article on how copyright can kill culture, which cites a book (Tarzan Presley) by my former boss at Te Papa, the late Nigel Cox.

About simonchamberlain

New Zealand librarian and music fan, living in London.
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